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Design Law


Designs in Lebanon are protected by Laws and systems of the commercial and industrial property. Resolution No. 2385 issued on January 17, 1924 and amended by the Law of January 31, 1946.


Treaties & Conventions 


Lebanon is a member of Bern Convention, Brussels Convention (Signature), Madrid Agreement (Indications of Source), Nice Agreement, Paris Convention (PC), Patent Law Treaty (Signature), Rome Convention, WIPO Convention and WTO (observer).


Multi-Designs Application


Admissible and an application may include up to 99 figures.




It is possible to claim priority rights under Paris Convention within six (6) months from the date of first filing of the priority application (The restoration of this deadline, when lapsed, is not possible).


Design Patent Requirements


Drawings and designs which contain the two advantages of being new and invented, that is, they include external characteristics to make them of special form which differentiates them from known drawings and designs may be filed.




The Lebanese design registration system is a deposit system and examination as to substance is not effected. Examination is restricted to the formalities.


Registration Procedure & Time Frame


Registration process takes usually a period of 2 weeks to be completed, after which the relevant design certificate is issued within 2 weeks.


Publication of the Design Certificate in the Official Gazette is done within 3 months from issuance of the certificate and the applicant may request partial publication of design embodiments in the application, i.e. some designs may be kept confidential. He shall reserve this right during the first 5 years following the filing. As long as the applicant has not asked for publication the things he filed, the secrecy of the filing shall be fully maintained. 




There is no provision for opposing the registration of a design.




Protection term is 25 years renewable for one similar term. Renewal could be filed within the last year of the protection period. A grace period of 3-month is granted for late payment, subject to payment of penalty.


Use Requirements


Filing alone shall not give the right to ownership of a drawing or a design, but it ensures the person who files it the right to ownership consideration for himself, but the real ownership shall not be acquired except with the use of the drawings or designs.




Annuities installment are not applicable for design in Lebanon.





Application for Design


1- Power of Attorney duly notarized & consularized up to the Lebanese Consulate.

2- Name, address, business and nationality of Applicant/s and Designer/s.

3- Copy of Priority document in English, if convention priority is claimed (Only certified).

4- A description of the design.

5- A set of the drawings using the metric system specifying the views.


Special Notes:

  • Applicant may be an individual, firm or corporation.

  • Documents under 3 can be filed within a non-extendable delay of 60 days from filing date.


Change of Name


1- Power of Attorney in the new name of the applicant duly notarized & consularized up to the Lebanese Consulate.

2- A certified copy of the change of name issued by the home registry or a notarized attestation legalized up to the Lebanese Consulate.

3- The number and date of the patent concerned.


Change of Address


1- Power of Attorney in the new address of the applicant duly notarized & consularized up to the Lebanese Consulate.

2- A notarized attestation legalized up to the Lebanese Consulate. 

3- The number and date of the patent concerned.




1- Power of Attorney executed by the assignee duly notarized & consularized up to the Lebanese Consulate.

2- Deed of Assignment executed by both parties (Notarized & Consularized).

3- The name, nationality, address and business of the assignee. 

4- The number and date of the design concerned.

5- The original registration certificate of the design, which will be replaced by a new certificate issued in the name of the original owner with the details of the recordal listed as an endorsement.


Special Notes:

  • An assignment should be recorded within 3 months from the date of execution of the Deed. Late recordation entails payment of penalty, for each 2 months delay.




1- Power of Attorney in the name of the licensee duly notarized & consularized up to the Lebanese Consulate.

2- License Agreement executed by both parties (Notarized & Consularized).

3- The name, nationality, address and business of the licensee. 

4- The number and date of the patent concerned.


Special Notes:

  • A License should be recorded within 3 months from the date of execution of the Agreement. Late recordation entails payment of penalty, for each 2 months delay.


(Any document in a language other than English or French must be accompanied by a Certified English or French translation).

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